August 1, 2007

What Every Man Needs to Know

Your wife is your partner.You have to treat her as such. You may want to protect her,but you should never take choices away.Lying is never a good thing.Even little lies can come back to haunt you.Be honest about how you are feeling - your wife will appreciate that.Understand that your wife is going through changes too.You may not be used to checking in with someone about your whereabouts, but she will appreciate it and so will you when she does the same.Financial control issues are the root of a lot of marital problems.Make it a rule that you should both be involved in large financial decisions.Discuss ways to keep each other in the loop.Socially,you both had relationships prior to the marriage.Friendships are important,but if your wife is uncomfortable with any of those prior relationships,discuss ways you can make her more comfortable.Merging lives has its own challenges, avoid excluding each other even if you always used to do something a certain way before. Give your wife an option to join you now.You want her to respect your needs, so you need to respect hers. If she needs to make lists to detail how things will be handled, support that. You will both benefit from mutual respect.Communication is the key in the first months of marriage.It's easy to get caught back up into the rhythms of life and to forget that there is someone else to consider, talk before and after the wedding about your expectations, dreams and goals.Saying I love you,never gets old.Showing your affection with little gestures and thoughtful gifts of appreciation are excellent ways to maintain the romance.As a husband, what other tips can you offer to other newly married men and the oldies?


Anonymous said...

Hey girl, I feel your pain. I've been putting off marriage for a while now cos I did not think it was the right time for me. Basically, when I meet with family members, they're always trying to matchmake me with some dreary boring man. Who told them I need a man in my life right now, I don't know. Honestly, I tell my friends that the reason why people pressure us about getting married is because they want us single girls to experience the trying moments they're all gong thru in their martial homes, so that we can all have tea together, moan and sigh about it. I beg to disagree

Viaduct said...

This post is true, a man should never take the final choice away from a woman, it make one feel unworthy. Everything in life is what you make of it, puting God first makes the event joyful. Marriage is not any differnt.

Ms. Catwalq said...

i am not sure they read this o.
or if they do, it goes in through one eye and out the other....

Anonymous said...

Good articles to read. Marriage can only last if we respect each other and the institution.

Good luck.



Every man should read these words of wisdom whether they are married or not.

Good post!