January 4, 2010



As the we begin another year,

Lets thank God because;

1. You can still breathe without aid or mechanical assistance.

2. You have a roof over your head and not under one of the bridges.

3. Your two legs can still carry your body wherever you want to go.

4. Your skin is not covered up by some strange skin disease.

5. Your ears are not supported with hearing aids.

6. Your sight is not impaired in any manner.

7. With barely enough meal to get by the day you are still alive and healthy.

8. With so much issues you deal with daily you can still smile and look good daily

9. Every day comes with its craziness and demands yet your sanity is intact.

10. Your hair still grows on your head and sometimes adds grey to its colour to make you unique among your peers.

11. You sleep and wake up with ease to appreciate nature in all its beauty.

12. Your digestive system functions with the ease at which it was meant without the support of a machine.

13. Your appetite is very healthy with no issues.

14. Your teeth are still able to grind meat, bones and all other chewable.

15. Sickness put you to bed but could not put you to an early grave.

16. With all your many trips from your home to office, within the country and overseas accidents was not your portion even when it did happen you came out alive.

17. So far so good no bullet has your name on it either from the Police or marauders.

18. In spite of the economic downturn you can still finance your lifestyle.

19. Despite all the challenges and disappointments you suffered you did not commit suicide.

20. Above all you are still alive and standing!!!!!!

Thank God for all these daily unequated miracles in your live and your...........

Life is a gift from God cherish it no matter the circumstance

you find yourself

Be inspired always!!!!!